"In The Beginning........There Was God." By: Jon Pablo
As we all Know, "God" created everything. From the begininng until now, and forever there was and will always be...God.
But, which one? We all know of the regulars, like , Zeus, Vishnu, Thoth, Thor, Ra, Quetzalcoatl, Pan, Odin, Jesus, Buda, Brahma, Allah, Ahura Mazda, and even Satan, maybe?
At least we know that the world did not start at year 0. Well, most of us do.
So, 'Adam' the first man, lived 930 years which initially is impressive. However Noah lived for 950 years, even Yoda lived until age 900.
Either way, they are all better than us and they deserve our praise and respect. It is very important to not question what they tell us, and follow their directions.
| Religionisness By: Jon Pablo
What is Religion and what does it all really mean?
First, there is what societies call or recognize as "traditional" and then "organized" religions, and those which "they" don't, even though they really are. Aren't they all basically the same? I mean you look, have a higher power, some kind of story or text to follow, mix in some silly attire, receiting some doctrine participating in rituals and there you have it! An instint religion...without adding water! Most of these Religions are____________but some have___________like__________________ Islam is both a religion and a set of laws -- Sharia laws. That's the difference between any one of our traditional religions where it's just about religious purposes. Every religion thinks that all other religions are wrong. And they, are all right.
Judged by the standards of any other scientific theory, the "God hypothesis" does not do very well, Carroll argues. But he grants that "the idea of God has functions other than those of a scientific hypothesis."
We still cling to primitive ideas like separation through "hokey" religions.
So, what do these faiths all have in common? What exactly does their scriptures mean and tell us?
Do they suggest that a belief in a higher power and in the supernatural, acts as a societal glue that motivates people to follow the rules?
Also, does the belief in the afterlife, helps people grieve and staves off their fears of death?
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The Best of the Worst:
By: Guru Preet
First, we deeply regret with a profound serenity of spirit if we over looked, forgot or simply did not know of, and did not include your religion. We ask for your forgiveness in conscience before God.
Adventists - Is a minor branch of Protestant, started by William Miller during the Second Great Awakening in the United States, differ on whether the intermediate state is unconscious sleep or consciousness, the nature of immortality, and whether the wicked are resurrected or eternal torment.
| Anglicans - Believe the catholic and apostolic faith is revealed in Holy Scripture and the Catholic creeds. Celebrate traditional sacraments, and Christian tradition of the historic church, scholarship, reason and experience. Unique to Anglicanism is the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), the collection of services that has been used for centuries. Originally compiled by Thomas Cranmer in 1549 who was Archbishop of Canterbury.
| Bahaism - Teaches the 3 core principles: the unity of God, the unity of religion, and the unity of humanity. A single and all-powerful God, periodically reveals his will through divine messengers. Religion is thus seen as orderly, unified, and progressive. A unified world order, for prosperity of all nations, races, creeds, and classes. Established by prophet Bahá'u'lláh in 1863, in Persia
Baptists - Believes in 1 God, miracles; atonement for sins through the death, burial, resurrection the Trinity; salvation, evangelism, missions and in the literal Second Coming of Christ. Faith is a matter between God and individuals. baptism is an ordinance, not a sacrament and is not necessary for salvation. No church or ecclesiastical organization has inherent authority over a Baptist church.
| Buddhism - Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha or the awakened one, in the 6th century BCE, has 2 main branches: the more conservative Theravada, or "Way of the Elders," and liberal Mahayana, or "Great Vehicle", centered on the 4 Noble Truths: suffering or duhkha, desire as the cause of suffering, suffering can end, and existence of a way to end suffering.
Calvinism - Is a major branch of Protestantism, follows the tradition and forms of Christian practice, founded in the 16th century by John Calvin. God also speaks through human writers in the Bible. People gain knowledge of God from the Bible. While the knowledge from God to people is never incorrect, it is also never comprehensive. Christ is the only mediator between God and people. 5 Points of Calvinism: Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the saints. They deny the Catholic teaching that humans can achieve salvation through their actions.
| Catholics - Headed by the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, the church's doctrines are summarized in the Nicene Creed. Teaches there is only, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church founded by Jesus Christ, that its bishops are successors of Christ's apostles, and the Pope is the successor to Saint Peter to whom primacy was conferred by Jesus Christ. Has 7 sacraments and its teaching includes sanctification through faith and spreading of the Gospel, Catholic social teaching, and the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Confucianism - More of a philosophy than a religion, was founded by Confucius in the 5th century BCE. With an ideal structure and hierarchy of the world, and people have a moral obligation to fulfill their roles in that hierarchy
| Deism - Is a philosophical position that God (or gods) can be either "Warm" - God's existence as the cause of all things or "Cold" - the non-intervention of deity in the natural behavior of the created universe. Rejects miracles and revelation as sources of religious knowledge, reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of a single creator or absolute principle of the universe.

Episcopalian -The center of teaching is the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is fully human and fully God, provides the way of eternal life for those who believe. Belief in the Holy Trinity, heaven, hell, and Jesus' return in glory. The 2 great and necessary sacraments are Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist. Emphasis on living out the Great Commandment to love God and neighbor fully. Founded in 1789
| Eastern Orthodox - 1 of the oldest and 2nd-largest Christian Church, teaches One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church established by Jesus Christ in his Great Commission, bishops are the successors of Christ's apostles. It maintains that it practices the original Christian faith, passed down by sacred tradition. Developed in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, before the 1st century AD.
Falun Gong - The fundamental characteristic of the universe is Zhen, Shan and Ren – the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance". Practitioners can acquire supernatural skills through moral cultivation, meditation and exercises and should not be pursued or casually displayed.
Hinduism - With no known founder dating back about 5,000 years this religion, or a way of life, has Vaishnavism and Shaivism. Also, Yoga, Dharma, Karma, Kama, Artha, Moksha, Samara, a commitment to an ideal way of life and reincarnation!
| Islam - One God - Allah, who is merciful, all-powerful, unique and has guided mankind through prophets, revealed scriptures, natural signs and a final judgment with the righteous rewarded paradise and unrighteous punished in hell. The primary scriptures are the Quran, the unaltered and final word of God. Concepts and practices include the Five Pillars of Islam: Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Pilgrimage to Mecca. Originated in the early 7th century CE, revealed to Muhammad, a messenger of God. Most Muslims are of 1 of 2 denominations: Sunni or Shia
| Jediism - Based on the observance of the Force, a ubiquitous and metaphysical power that is the underlying, fundamental nature of the universe. Adherents follow the 16 teachings and 21 maxims, which are the principles, ideals, philosophies and teachings - in a practical manner within their lives.
| Jehovah Witness - Place emphasis on Jehovah (God) than on Christ, do not observe holidays and customs considered to have origins incompatible with Christianity, refusing military service and blood transfusions. Consider the Bible to be the final authority for all their beliefs, through Watch Tower Society publications, teach the present world order is under control of Satan, and will be destroyed at Armageddon by Jehovah, who will use Jesus to establish a government on earth of God's kingdom. Based on the Bible teachings of Charles Taze Russell. The name Jehovah's witnesses was adopted in 1931
Jainism - Founded by Mahavira in India around the 6th century BCE. The goal is to liberate the soul from all karma. Believing in non-injury to all life-forms, live harmless lives that use little as possible of the world's resources. Nearly everything has a jiva (soul) in some stage of reincarnation, cycle of birth and rebirth, which is possible to escape and achieve moksha (release) by following the 3 jewels - right belief, right knowledge, and right conduct. Jainism has 2 sects: Svetambaras, wear white clothes, Digambaras go naked. Jain monks, however, commonly wear cloths over their mouths to prevent them from unconsciously breathing in and accidentally causing injury to living things.
| Judaism - Is based on the belief in one God. Follows a system of law, called Halachah, which regulates personal values, family relationships, social responsibility, and civil and criminal justice and the 13 Principles of Faith. The Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament in Christianity, is the fundamental source of Jewish belief, notably its first 5 books collectively called the Torah or Pentateuch.
| Lutheran - Advocates a doctrine of justification "by grace alone through faith alone on the basis of Scripture alone", and is the final authority on all matters of faith. Accepts the teachings of the first seven ecumenical councils of the undivided Christian Church and the Augsburg Confession, from the Book of Concord.
Methodist - Founded in the 18th century, doctrines include imparted righteousness, the possibility of perfection in love, the works of piety, and the primacy of Scripture - that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for all of humanity and that salvation is available for all.
| Mormons - The bible is considered the word of God. The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price are viewed as companions to the bible and have a relatively open definition of scripture. Believe a pre-mortal existence where people were literal spirit children of God, in "a friendly universe", governed by God to bring his children to immortality and eternal life, a plan of salvation to become more like God. Every person who on earth will be resurrected, and will be received into various kingdoms of glory through fully accepting Christ through faith, repentance, and ordinances. Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830’s.
Paganism - Traditionally encompasses the collective pre- and non-Christian cultures, folklore and include similar religious traditions stretching far into prehistory in and around the classical world.
| Pashtunwali - Pre-dates Islam, requires Pashtuns follow the 9 main principles: Hospitality, Asylum, Justice, Bravery, Loyalty, Righteousness, Trust in god, Dignity, and Honor of Women.
Pentecostals - A direct personal experience of God through the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and the reliability of the Bible and the need for the transformation of an individual's life through faith in Jesus. The Bible, in the original manuscripts in which it was written, is infallible. Emphasize the teaching of the "full gospel" - Emerged around 1900 CE.
| Polytheism - The belief in many gods and goddesses, practiced by a number of societies throughout the world and history.
Presbyterians - Often using a "Book of Order" to regulate common practice and order, place importance on education and learning, referred to as "subordinate standards", to enable to put one's faith into practice. Emphasizes the sovereignty of God, authority of Scriptures, grace through faith in Christ. There are only 2 sacraments: Baptism, and Communion. There is not 1 fixed "Presbyterian" worship style. However, most follow traditional liturgical year and observe traditional holidays. Formed in the mid 1560’s by John Knox in Scotland.
| Protestant - Begun in Germany in 1517 by Martin Luther. Following 3 fundamental principles, the Bible is the highest source of authority, believers are pardoned for sin, solely on condition of faith in Christ, implies the right and duty of the members read the Bible in the native language, to take part in the government and all the public affairs of the Church.
Quakers - Historically Christian, believe that truth is continuously revealed directly to individuals from their immediate experience in God and verified by the Bible and their own Book of Discipline. Their spiritual lives, according to how they believe God is leading them, they feel personally moved by God rather than following an ethical code. Founded by George Fox in the mid-17th-century England.
| Rastafari - Believes in God, referred to as Jah, who partially resides in everyone. refer to their practices as "livity", place emphasis on what they regard as living 'naturally'. Regard the former emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, as an incarnation of Jah on Earth and the Second Coming of Christ. Developed in Jamaica during the 1930s.
Satanism - Dedicated to the acceptance of Man's true nature - living in a cosmos that is indifferent to our existence and for the selfless revolt against tyranny, free & rational inquiry, and the responsible pursuit of happiness!
Scientology - An "applied religious philosophy" consists of a metaphysical doctrine, a theory of psychology, and teachings in morality. Does not preach or impose a particular idea of god or accept anything on faith alone, discover the truth through their own observation and a final goal achieving a spiritual state called “clear.” Developed in 1954 by L. Ron Hubbard.
| Shakers - The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, founded in the early 1700’s in England by Mother Jane Wardley. Virtues and practice are a celibate and communal lifestyle, pacifism, and their model of equality based on the idea of the dualism of God as male and female, value women and men equally in religious leadership. Leader Mother Ann Lee, is the female manifestation of Christ.
| Shamanism - Is a practice which involves practitioners reaching altered states of consciousness, in order to perceive, contact and interact with the spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world at the behest of others.
| Shinto - "The Way of the Gods" - Has no founder or texts. It is the belief in scared power in both animate and inanimate objects - Everything has a life spirit or energy.
Sikhism - “Disciple” - Originated around the end of the 15th century. Truth, Compassion, Contentment, Humility and Love.
| Sufism - Often defined as "Islamic Mysticism” believe that it is possible to draw closer to God, aim to seek the pleasing of God by working to restore within themselves the primordial state of “Fitra”.
Taoism - Founded around the 3rd or 4th century BCE, by Laozi, the main concepts are wu wei, which is the process of doing things effortlessly or non-intentionally, to live in accordance with the "way” - the indescribable source and flow of everything and the "3 Treasures," which are compassion, moderation, and humility.
| Tengrism - Believe their existence as sustained by the eternal blue Sky, Tengri, the fertile Mother-Earth, spirit Eje, and a ruler regarded as the holy spirit of the Sky. By living an upright and respectful life, a human being will keep his world in balance and maximize personal power, Wind Horse, living in harmony with the surrounding world. Heaven, Earth, the spirits of nature and the ancestors provide every need and protect all humans.
| Thelema - The fundamental principle, known as the "Law of Thelema", is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will." Thelema was founded in the early 1900s by prophet Aleister Crowley.
| Unitarians - Believe God is 1 entity, (as opposed to the Trinity) that Jesus was inspired by God, is a savior, but was a normal human being, not God himself. Does not constitute 1 single denomination, but a collection of Christian beliefs that share a common theological concept, known for the rejection of several doctrines like original sin, predestination, and the infallibility of the Bible. It began in eastern Europe during the mid-16th century.
Voodoo - Described as not simply a religion, but rather an experience that ties body and soul together. believe in a distant and unknowable Supreme Creator, Bondye, who does not intercede in human affairs, and direct their worship to spirits called loa, through the presentation of offerings, creation of personal altars, devotional objects, participation in elaborate ceremonies of music, dance, and spirit possession. Originated in the Caribbean French Empire in the 18th century.
| Wicca - Typically duotheistic, worshipping a Goddess and a God, regarded as an impersonal force or process rather than a personal deity. Draws upon ancient pagan and 20th-century hermetic motifs for its and ritual practice and theological structure. There are many variations on structure, as the religion grows and evolves over time. Wicca has no central authority. Developed in England and introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner.
Yazidis - Believe in 1 God, who created the world and entrusted it into the care of the 7 Holy Beings (or Angels) - linked to ancient Mesopotamian religions and combines aspects of others. Origins from the 12th century.
| Zoroastrianism - Believes that there is 1 universal, transcendent, supreme god, Ahura Mazda, or the "Wise Lord" who is almighty, though not omnipotent. Is thought to have been founded around the 6th century BCE, and is notable for being 1 of the first religions to use the concept of the struggle between good and evil.
Atlantis - (City / Island of) 9600 BCE
October 22, 4004 - 6:00 pm BCE - God Creates the Universe!
Adam [4004 - 3760] - [3074 - 2830] (Age 930) Eve [4004 - 3064] - [3760 - 2820] (Age 940)
Cain & Abel -
Seth - (3rd son of Adam & Eve) - Methuselah - Lamech - Noah (Age 950) sons: Shem, Ham, Japheth
Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors - 3500
(also known as the Three August Ones)
Krishna - (Hindu) born July 18 [21], 3233
Jacob - born 1837 (5th generation decendent of Adam & Eve)
Abraham- born 1812 BCE
Leads his family and followers to the Land of Canaan around 1800 BCE The Exodus - of the Israelites from Egypt -1690 Sarah - wife of Abraham dies, June -1695
Ruth - (great grandmother of David) - married Boaz- son - Obed Moses - 1391–1271 (Age 120)
Hercules - born 1251
David - 1040 - 970
Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha - 563 - 483 (approx Age 80)
John The Baptist - 6~2 - 36 (Age 37-42) - Beheaded
How does Moses make his tea?
Hebrews it.
Leonardo da Vinci 1495-1498 |
| Jesus Christ! 0-30? (approx Age 33)
Paul - the Apostle (5 - 67)
The Council of Nicaea - 325
- May through July
Saint Patrick - 385 - March 17, 431
The Council of Ephesus - 431
- June and July
The Council of Chalcedon - 451
- October through November
King Arthur - 500 - 600
Muhammad - 570 - June 8, 632 (Age 63)
Lochness Monster - 601
First Reported Sighting
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Mazu - Goddess of the Sea
960 - October 4, 987
The Great Schism - 1054
Robin Hood - 1200
William Tell - 1280
Pied Piper - 1284
Pope Celestine V - Resigns - 1294
Arnold von Winkelried - 1300
The Western Schism - 1378-1417
Pope Gregory XII - Resigns - 1415
The Church of England - Founded in 1534
The Council of Trent - 1545 through1563
CCD - Conforminty of Christian Doctrine -
Established in Rome in 1562
12 Days of Christmas -
Published c. - 1780 in England
Paul Bunyan - 1800
Judaculla (Tsul 'Kalu) -
Reported in southeastern United State in 1823
The Golden Plates - Joseph Smith
is directed to the Plates on September 22, 1827
Yeti (Abominable Snowman) -
Published Sighting Reporting - 1832
Sasquatch (Big Foot) -
Published Sighting Reporting - 1847
Winnescheika -
Shoshone Medicine Woman - 1850
Jack the Ripper - 1888
End of Times - October 1, 1914
The Jupiter Effect - March 10, 1982
The Rapture - May 21, 2011
End of the World - 2012 (The Rapture Again!)
Raven Grimassi
April 12, 1951 - March 10, 2019
Wiccan Priest, Scholar and Writer
Dr. William Eugene "Gene" Scott, Ph.D.
August 14, 1929 - February 21, 2005
Over his life and career, one of our favorite teachers, Dr. Scott, served as a traveling teacher, President of Churches and Pastor. He regarded himself as a teacher and pastor.
He is known as much for his stage persona as he was for his preaching skills. During his lectures, he would fill “chalkboards” with scriptural passages in the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic to greater specificity and distinguish their meaning from any other broader critical text explanation.
JC + HC = IC By: Jon Pablo
Oh just great, to the devout founder of Family Radio, HC, now look at what you've done. Yes, once again it's the Rapture! I see what is going on.
Our Holy Brother, Sinclair Daily, spoke with HC when JC was to return in September of 1994, to get to the top of this divine event. For many years he has been fervent in his devotion to find out more about this sacred event.
More recently in May of 2003, it was to be. But everything was ok, and JC did not come back. So on May 21, 2011 the Rapture was to happen in 27 weeks! JC was sent to return again! No More Salvation!
But.. it was moved once again to December 21, 2012. However we all know that those 'other calendars' do not count!
So, let's get this straight... HC gets his information from the "bible", formulates what he believes is going to happen based on the dates and events in this book and with other secular evidence.
Nothing happens.
Now, eveyone says HC is wrong? I see now.
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Billy William Franklin Graham Jr.
November 7, 1918 - February 21, 2018
Evangelical Christian
Preacher - Pastor - Activist
The Good Book
"Annales Veteris Testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti, una cum rerum Asiaticarum et Aegyptiacarum chronico, a temporis historici principio usque ad Maccabaicorum initia producto"
- By James Ussher - Published in 1650
“Dictionnaire Infernal” - Published in 1818
- By Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy
“The Quran”
- By God - to Muhammad
“Book of the Law” - Published in 1904
- By Prophet Allister Crowley
“The Magical Treatise of Solomon”
- Authors Unknown
“The Necronomicon” - Publsihed in 1938
- By Howard Phillips Lovecraft
“The Bible(s)” - Any and All Versions
- Authors Unknown
Old Testament - (Tanakh) - 24 Books
New Testament - (Faith based) - 39-49 Books
“The” Satanic Bible
- By Pope Anton La Vey
"Chariots of the Gods?" - Published in 1968
By Erich von Daniken
What's Your Demonation?
By: Brother John Rapture
"I have returned!
As it is written so shall it come to pass!
My name is The Baptist Jon Rapture!
And I am the hero to the unsaved!"
The Future of Miracles By: Jon Pablo
In the Year of Our Lord 2011, the Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI (born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger on April 16, 1927) came through again, and decided that former Pope John Paul II should be “beatified” (made a saint).
According to the Holy See, to be beatified, a dead person must be declared by the Church to have prompted a miracle.
The Church says a 49-year-old French nun was miraculously cured of Parkinson's disease months after John Paul's death after she and fellow nuns prayed to him.
For John Paul II (who went to Heaven in 2005) to become a saint, the Church must declare that a second miracle occurred after the beatification ceremony.
Many of us have been in need of Miracles before, and when we did not receive them, we just blamed it on Jerry at St Stephens Basilica.
John Paul's wooden coffin will be exhumed from its current place in the secret crypts hidden deep below St Peter's Basilica, for prayer beginning on May 1, 2011 and then his remains will be moved to their new resting place in a side chapel of St Peter's Basilica.
What could possibly happen next?!?

Papacy began on April 19, 2005 and ended on February 28, 2013
Pope Francis
Jorge Mario Bergoglio
b. December 17, 1936
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Papacy began on March 13, 2013
Is the first Pope from outside Europe since the Syrian Gregory III (who reigned until 741) and first from the Southern Hemisphere.
The Schospel According to the Schedule By: Jon Pablo
As I was digging around some ancient texts, I came across something very interesting....
First, does anyone actually follow All 613 Commandments as outlined in the Torah? Did Confucius really have just only 3072 students?
Christmas Day December 25 and the beginning of Hanukkah - 25 Kislev, will be on the same day in 2024.
The first day of Hanukkah - 25 Kislev, and Christmas Eve December 24, will be on the same day in 2027.
Groundation Day - April 21 since 1966 - "Abu Ye! Abu Ye Abu ye! Abu ye!"
Santa or Satan? By: Jon Pablo
Hallelujah or Jah Rastafari? What is interesting is that how Aliens has 'Ali' in it.. Aliyah has 'Ali" in it too. Special Bread - Challah - has Allah in it.
7 - Is God's favorite number
666 - is the number of the Devil
777 - is your guardian Angels number.
888 - Jesus - Christ the Redeemer's" number
“Religio-Magicious Specialists”
We can not forget or exclude these important, often misunderstood practices of faith.
Using their text, beliefs and faiths, these Specialists contact spirits, communicate with the deceased, uncover hidden knowledge, foretell future events, divination, and even bring someone back from the dead.
They include Mediums, Witch Doctors, Readers, Spiritual Healers, Shamans, Psychics and Medicine Men - some of which, have the ability to summon the power of other worlds.
Other such faiths include Astrology, Metaphysics, Demonology, Zodiac, Necromancy, Black Magic and Witchcraft.
Illegal Aliens By: Guru Preet
Now, this brings us to the issue of Aliens, or extra-terrestrial beings which some individuals suggest may be resposible for starting this mess, and most importantly, are these Aliens even legal? Are they God? There is no evidence of any futuristic beings from the past, present or future. Furthermore, why would these beings want buildings made out of materials like stone in inefficient shapes? Across our world these accient pyramids were built. But who exactly where these people who built them and who were they built for? Was it made for these Gods, or for the leaders of their time? Did they just say that they were Gods and that they are here to rule them.
Some imply that these structures are so complex that regular humans could not have possibly constructed them without some type of extra help. But with the help of professional contractors and slaves, they were quite able to build. They look like the conical shape of mountains, their natural surroundings, which are not square like our modern buildings anyways. It's quite a misstory where they must have gotting their inspiration to build this way. Back then, there wasn't many career options in the construction industry and there isn't much evidence of alot of projects that these populations were busy building during these periods in time. How difficlut is to pile a bunch of rocks on top of each other? It's not like the people of that era did not have a lot of time to build these pyramids, you know because of their busy lifestyles.
Throughout our history, we have been using constellations as points of directions or reference. Not made structures.
We can see some of these planets with our own eyes.
Besides the fact there is absolutely no evidence of any extra-tresstrial presence. The reality is that hieroglyphics do not talk about these things.
Alien God |
The End (of Times)
Has Satan and his demons been cast down to earth from heaven? Is Satan the ruler of the current world order and governments are controlled by Him, but that he does not directly control each human ruler?
Is human society influenced and misled by Satan and his demons, and that They are a cause of human suffering?
Are we living on the precipice of the End of Time?
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It's really hot down here! |
so scary! |
Just Where in the Hell is Satan Anyway? By: John Pablo
That is the question. Where is He? What in the hell happened to Him? Does anyone even worship the "Devil" anymore? There was a time when He enjoyed immense succes. A time when Hell with all its flames and fire was such a scary place to end up. Populations have lived in fear of Hell and the Devil.
Over the years there were many Devil worshippers and religions including the formation of the Church of Satan by Anton LeVay, the Satanic Pope. But It seems now His presence is almost non exsistent. He had some great victories in the 1980's with Dungeons & Dragons, King Diamond, a failed lawsuit against fuckin' Ozzy, and the Night Stalker. But all He could manage was some silly teenagers and couple sequels to some movies in the 1990's. Even Halloween was once His day, now it's just another party and a childern's day. After that, He hasn't really done anything. Really, He is not even that scary anymore.
Other religions have just dominated the headlines, and even use His name in vain calling people forms of "Devils". What in thee hell has He done about this? You and the "other" churches have failed us.
Hell, the most publicity He has had, is this stupid article. Well, Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, Fallen Angel or whatever the hell you call yourself, you had a good run spanning many centuries. Hopefully, you can regain your scary self and get back to work so we don't have to ask: Just where in the Hell is Satan.
How do you make Holy Water? Boil the Hell out of it. |