Scoop |
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
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It's A Small World After All By: Alex Noxx World History begins with the "Caveman". Now, we most likely lived outside of caves at first. But soon we began to seek shelter in some form. We went from living and just trying to survive, to forming "families" and living together. Not very soon after living with one another, someone would emerge to be the leader, while the others would follow. We see what happens next. Most of the established world has been built on some form of slave labor. During the first 0-1000 years the "Church" helped control the population in most cultures. Many governments were or worked very closely with the "Church". The next 1000-1700 years we saw empires such as the British, Russian, German, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian and Chinese rule most of the world. European empires like England and Spain dominated the world. They are for the most part responsible for the destruction of most cultures in the world. Spain, probably the worst, used the "Church" as a tool for their control. England for the most part had seperated form the "Church" and used economics as their tool. As the 20th century came along with the continuation of the industrial revolution, we experienced 2 World Wars, the collapse of most of the world empires, space explorations and almost all of the advances in technology. We now live in a time which I call the future. We almost live ahead of our actual existance. What I mean by that, is we now plan for the far future, and we are already thinking about the very next thing, right now, even as you read this.
We are at a point where almost everything has been done. Now we are just trying to improve on it. With techonolgy, we now see things as they are happening, and in a sense we can see what is going to happen.
However, with all the advancements in technology and knowledge, we have not changed. Nothing changes and nothing ever stops. All humans do the same exact things. We all have to eat, sleep, work, take care of our "families" and interact with others. We live. Together, on the same planet. Everyday the world is getting smaller.
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"You are unique, just like everyone else"
| Yaya Says:
The Yams did it.
"There are three types of people, those who can count and those who can't."
Death By: Betsie Washington
Guess what? You my friend are going to die. I know that is not what we want to think about, but unfortunately it is the truth. Sorry. The good news is, you have many ways to die! Not just the old fashion ways, not anymore.
One used to be able to die from old age. Maybe a working related accident. Or some other unforseen situation. But now, we have some new and exciting ways that you can die! My newest favorite is skin cancer. The trusty ol' sun. The sun that give us warmth, light, and life itself. It is now our mortal enemy. See what happens when we stop worshipping the sun. Now we are told to not give it praise. Hide from it, stay inside. Cover yourself up so that the sun can't reach you. Now I can see the light. The next best one, is food. Don't eat it. Food used to keep us healthy and alive. Now it too, is our very own demise. Steak was once a healthy way to get protein and enzymes. Now, you get Mad Cow disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol.
Chicken was the next best thing, until Salmonella posioning. And speaking of salmon, fish has always been a healthy alternative, that is until mercury poisoning. Wheat, you know our bread, cereal, barley and rye, has Gluten which now make a glutton for death. We can't forget about good 'ol second hand smoke and car pollution - carbon monoxide is also a great way to die! Some specialists theorize that death begins at conception! Life actually Increases the chances of death.
So the greatest cause of death is living! With all these fantastic ways to die, it can be very difficult to choose which one. But at least you can feel relaxed knowing you have so many options.
“If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit”
Gullible Warming
Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Disruption, and Climate Change as it’s called now.
Since the bureaucracy is pro-global warming, the scientists employed by the government will always support the desired narrative. Their jobs, salary increases, promotions, etc. depend on adhering to the government line.
The real "climate forcing" has become that most independent scientists are replaced with those malleable or indoctrinated and a gullible populace. Thus, the weather has now become politicized. Technology allows us to “care” about the climate, whereas in the past, it was just “the weather”.
It does not even matter anymore what the actual weather is. "Climate" is now just another Industry and Global business.
Johnny Carson describes the 4 weather seasons in California: Earthquake season, Drought season, Windy/wildfire season and Rainy/mudslide season.
School - Year round, Cirriculum
Teachers - Job vs Salary - Which is basically a part time job.
College - Taxpayers, Private
| I'm Offended By: Nate Grean
Remember when you were a child and your parents told that "stick and stones my break your bones, but names will never hurt me"? Everything offends somebody.
Being offended is the inability to control your own emotions and expecting others to adjust their behavior for your shortcomings.
I don't have to like you. I can even hate you.
For no reason either.
I can disagree, vote against, not listen or even care.
Indentity Theft
By: Alex Noxx
What or who are we?
Ethnicity - What does this mean?
Where is one from?
How long do you have to live somewhere before we are "from" there?
What is the time limit?
If you live somewhere for an amount of time, are you from there?
So, what are you afraid of? Why do individulas always have to "be" from somewhere, like that's impressive. Is that all there is to them, your sticker on their car or shirt with some place on it? If that place is so great, then why aren't you there?
Are we humans originally from Africa anyways?
So we are all just African-whatevericans.
I like the concepts of Johann Herder as he defines a nationality, by their common cultural traditions and popular folklore, instead of national, political, or religious boundaries.
A Pair of Apples
By: Teresa Hanna Canon-Dine
Is it true, that Pears are really just inferior Apples? Well, according to our pomologist the answer is Yes. With over 7000 varieties of apples compaired to just over 3000 varieties of pears, there is much more health benefits, vitamins and minerals and a overall nutritional profile. They both may be equally delicious and nutritious, but can you make a pear pie?
So, it is settled, 2 Pears = 1 Apple
Trust Me
By: Nate Grean
Why should I believe or trust anyone or anything? I don't and I am not saying that one should interfere with someone else, but nobody is out to help you. You try and live honest and do the right thing, but it seems as if nothing else is.
Taking care of your business is very important, like paying your bills or fullfilling your obligations. That being said, it seems like when you are dealing with bigger companies your customer service is not that good.
Really, it comes dowm to protecting yourself and your family, and doing what is in the best interest for them. Not what is best for businesses, society and someone else. They are never going to be there for you. In the end it is just about money, and we are all just a $ to the next party.
| The Philipino Guinea Pig Federation
Membership: 100M+ World Wide
Founded: Febraury 5, 1944
President: Pauline Franks
Far across the planet, the Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) family comes from over 45 countries that form the fabric of this famous Federation. From the fashion industry, to farmers, filmmakers, flight attendants, fishermen, and fireman, these individuals fill this furry fraternity.
The Philipino Guinea Pig Federation is the governing body in the Philippines and Asia, with branches across the world. Candidates must fit our Strict Criterea which Must Be met to be a member of the prestiges Philipino Guinea Pig Federation. The Faculity is Not flexible in fulfilling to keep it fair and to keep out false or fake memberships.
Qualifications: Must Feature At Least 2 of the Following:
1) Must Be a Guinea Pig
2) Must Be Related to said Guinea Pig
a) Owner of said Guinea Pig
b) Take care of said Guinea Pig
3) Must Be Filipino
4) Must Be Related to Filipino
a) Legally Married to a Flilpino
The foundation day is the Federations favorite festival and is free to fellow members

Salamat po,
President Pauline Franks
The Pinniest of Gigs
Bailey - the founder of the PGPF, died on Tuesday, December 11, 2018. He was 2 years old. We got Bailey from the pet store, and we loved him right away. Bailey had the magical ability to hear the rustle of plastic bags and hear the refrigerator open.
He was a cuddley, friendly member of our family that liked fresh vegatables. His "wheek wheek wheek" was audible throughout the whole house, especially at night, and it soothed us all to sleep.
The house is too quiet now without him and Bailey will be sorely missed. We're glad to know that he's happily scurrying around somewhere.
– Wheek Wheek Wheek!!!
wheek wheek wheek wheek! |