Very few Individuals have Earned the Right to Graduate from this Prestigious Institution.
| Your not gonna believe anything on this page, so don't even ask , because we are not going to explain it.
So just sit down and shut up. You know what, don't even read this page.
Futhermore, why would anyone trade in their Tan and Pink striped Bronco with KC lights and oversized wheels for this car to the left?
You're not gonna believe this shit! |
1. Who the fuck is Johnny Bueno, and how do you know him?
2. How do You make a Bloody Mary, with Vodka?
3. Is it Ok to bring your own can of beer into a bar - and drink it?
4. If you order a Chivas on the rocks, you are served something else,
but the bartender insisits that it is Chivas, what do you do?
5. Which is better: Slapping a security guard upside his head,
Or Choking them with one hand?
"You Call those Tits?!"
"This is our tradtion, get your own!"
"They just W'd it in there."
"Nice pants! They're packed full of Assy Goodness!"
"Your body looks like Disneyland for my cock!"
"There you go sweet tits! Don't spend it all in one place!"
| "Do you want the first hit?"
The Unofficial Official Timeline:
1984 1985 1990 1994 2006 2019 The Last Year The Buffer Year The Turbulant "1994" "The Year of Change" The Future
No Drinking or Smoking at Stop Signs or Lights
Mas Cards Aqui~!
Where is my autographed Bippy Skippy card?
| Fix my car!
| Belts
Just what exactly is a Belt?
Is it a quick drink? Do you shoot it, or sip it?
Is it a measured amount? If it is a meaured amount, then how much is it?
Is there a proper "Belt" glass? Can a Belt be on the rocks?
The Usual Suspects |
| |
Please Note:
The black lines covering their eyes IS NOT to conceal their identity for their protection. It is because this is so fucking stupid, we had to cover it up.
Our Field Reporter recently and unfortunately had to witness this ridicules "Industrial Strength Concave Blue Shitski" to your left, and then has the audacity to send it to us as proof.
Who keeps making these devices? Why thee hell would you do this? This must stop!
Even though Pizza IS NOT a meal (it’s barely even satisfying) you can get other things at the Palace (even spaghetti !) besides authentic hand tossed pizza.
Also, they have beers on tap, wine selections, old booths and long tables! We are not sure if Porky's is an Italian restaurant or just a Pizza Palace. This almost sounds like a commercial!
Now, if you just want drinks from a semi-hot bartender, you could have gone to “that place” to the bottom right. We are not even allowed to say the name of this “sports bar”.
Last we heard, this place has been closed and the owners (Mingo or Lorraine) had died in somtime in 2014.
However you don't normally make it a point go there. Usually you just end up there, before heading back to the Village for some song hits and more rounds!

| 99%
Why why why? What are they thinking?
According to the bottle, it says 99% agave. But which one of the over 150 types of agave is it? This stuff is not even Blue Webber! What is the other 1%? So, is this “Tequila Reposado” really just 99% mezcal?
And what’s up with the jug? You can’t even see what’s in it. This jug has a “NOM number” on it, but it is Not the NOM logo. Is this a batch of illegal liquor? What are we supposed to do with this? Pour it in a glass and laugh?
Furthermore, why in thee hell did this get purchased and brought to my attention?
Just becasue Luxurious Experience guitarist Nick Rielsen
can play many different silly multi head guitars,
Does Not Guarantee - he is above the Frehley Line.
Pearl Garden, Sound System and Robert Zeppelin
All band members have since discounted the prospect of yet, another "last" reunion.
However, rumors have it that Wolfgang Van Halen will play bass along with Jason Bonham and Julian Lennon for the Re-Reunion.
There has been much confusion over which songs will be on the set lists. It has been leaked that they will be playing Gavid Bowie and Van Hagar covers. Michael Anthony was unavailable for comment.
A Press Release about their possible upcoming World Tour starting in California, is expected soon according to the event promoter, who members asked to remain anonymous until the details have been finalized.
Presales tickets Sold Out within 5 minutes of the announcement, and General Admission is already sold out according to Live Nation.
Big Country, Icehouse and Men Without Hats are scheduled to be on Tour and open for VanBeatlin.
Favorite Punk Band:
The Perps
1981 Album: Behind Bars Featuring their Smash Hit: "Consensual Rape"
The Jackson Winter Band
Is Halloween Friday on Elm Street the scariest movie ever?
From music to movies, fiction or facts, the Controversy continues. Families want to know, and everyone is still asking, what in the hell is really going on? What is the explanation of all this?
Will we ever have any understanding of the most important unanswered controversial circumstances in the world today? All of these other accouterments, make the meaning of life look like a pile of puke.