By: Jack Freweigh
Known as human kinetics, comes from the Greek words kinesis (movement) and kinein (to move).
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Alcmaeon of Croton
Medical Theorist
C. 540–500BC
Galen - Claudius Galenus or Aelius Galenus
c. 129 - 216
Angelo Siciliano Charles Atlas
October 30, 1892 - December 24, 1972
Josef Edwin Joe Weider
November 29, 1919 - March 23, 2013
Francois Henri "Jack" Lalanne
September 26, 1914 - January 23, 2011 Frank James Jobe
July 16, 1925 - March 6, 2014

Stewart Sanders Adams
April 16, 1923 - January 30, 2019
Developed ibuprofen in 1961

Ed Corney
November 9, 1933 - January 1, 2019
Mr. Universe 1971 and 1972
| DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid
Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes which are divided into 2 types: Autosomes (22 pairs) - body chromosomes and Allosome (1 pair) - sex chromosomes a total of 46 per cell.
Normally Human Females have 2 X chromosomes while Males possess the XY pairing.
| Growing vs. Aging - gaining lean muscle mass as we age, increase in size - to help prevent / fight disease and sickness
Humans not built for Living Inside - how its has changed us
Light / Dark Skin Color vs. Artificial complexion for being inside all the time.
- Skin cancer
After Training
Stretching - Best after your body is warmed-up
For Soreness and Contusion+Hematoma (Bruises):
Ice – 20 minutes every Hour - Consticts blood vessels to Reduce blood flow, inflamation, swelling and bruising
Heat – 20 minutes every Hour - Dilates blood vessels to Increase blood flow, tissue healing and relaxation
Ice for 20 minutes – Then allow the area to return to normal body temperature (98’) for 20 minutes, Then apply Heat for 20 minutes – then return area to to normal body temperature (98’) 20 minutes – Then Repeat
Ibuprophen - (NSAIDs - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
For Anti-Inflammatory Purposes Only – use as needed – To Reduce swelling of affected area
Get lots of Sleep - For Regeneration of your body
With technology advancements, the use tissue profiling, biomarker-integrated approaches of targeted therapy analysis and molecular findings from real-time biopsies, will aid in assigning individualized targeted treatments.
In addition, the continuing development of personalized molecular therapeutics we will increase clinical investigation, disease prevention, organ preservation and personalize targeted therapy and treatments.
| Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
TCM a style of Traditional Medicine based on more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice.
Procedures include various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, tui na (massage), qigong (exercise), dietary therapy, and recently, influences by modern Western medicine.
One of the basic tenets of TCM is that the body's gi or ch'i (vital energy) circulates through channels called meridians, which have branches connected to the body’s organs and functions.
Concepts of the body and of disease used in TCM are reflected in its techniques and its emphasis on dynamic processes over material structures.
TCM has a long history, that is widely used and continues gaining global recognition.
Ehancing Performance By: Sam Paine
So what excatly is performance enhancing? What qualifies
If you are truly natural, just as you are then there would be no weight training, strengh and conditioning, drugs, suppliments or anything extra - because that would make you better, and enhance your performance
What about LASIK eye surgery? This enhances your eyesight, thus improving performance. Some athlete would not be able to perform without it. Also, Tommy John surgury (ulnar collateral ligament reconstuction) and ACL or knee surgeries. Careeres would be over without them.
Protein shakes, vitamins and synthetic foods - are not FDA approved.
Greatness doesn't come from a bottle or pill
1920'S - Asprin 1930's - 1940's - 1950's - 1960's - Stanozolol (Winstrol) 1970's - Greenies, ibuprofen 1980's - Leaded and Unleaded coffee 1990's - Steroids 2000's - HGH
So really, Performance Enhancing comes down to if we like you. If we like you then of course you did it "the right way". But, if we don't like you, then for sure you did.