Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Headline - Whitesupremacy |
Scandalous National Security Advisor
Susan Elizabeth Rice
The Email - Susan Rice sent to herself on her last day
on Friday January 20, 2017 at 12:15:32 PM
During President Trump's inauguration day.

Deplorable Former UN Ambassador
Samantha Jane "abuse of" Powers
Why would a UN ambassador make 7 Umasking requests between Movember 30, 2016 and January 11, 2017?
The 7th Floor
Unmasking -
General Michael Flynn
The Insurance Policy -
Crossfire Hurricane - "the massive system failure by senior leadership"
Crossfire Razor -
Edward William Priestap -
FBI Assistant Director Counterintelligence Division
James Andrew Baker -
FBI General Counsel
Michale P. Kortan -
FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs
Stefan A. Halper -
FBI Informant

Contemptible Former FBI Director
James Brien Comey Jr.

Felonious Former FBI Agent
Peter Paul Strzok II

Despicable Former FBI Deputy Director
Andrew George McCabe

Unethical Former FBI Lawyer
Lisa Caroline Page
FISA Warrants -
A series of Misstatements, Omissions, and "Inacuate Impressions"
The Edited 702's -
Section 702 of FISA (of 1978)

Disgraced Former CIA Director
John Owen Brennan

Fraudulent Former
‘Acting’ Attorney General
Sally Caroline Yates

Corrupt Former Director of National Intelligence
James Robert Clapper Jr.

Dishonorable Former Associate
Deputy Attorney General
Bruce Genesoke Ohr
| The Logan Act -
1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799
The Oval Office Meeting -
Thursday January 5, 2017
Obama, Rice, Comey, Brennen, Clapper, Biden and Yates.
Mary B. McCord -
Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the NSD
David H. Laufman -
Chief on the NSD Counterintelligance
and Export Control Section
Denis Richard McDonough -
Former White House Cheif of Staff
Emails / Server - LHM
The covering up her email/server scandel
Uranium One Deal - "Enriching"
Perkins Coie LLP - Law Firm - Michael Sussman
Marc Erik Elias
CrowStrike - Shawn Henry
The Dossier - Christopher David Steele
Fusion GPS - Glenn Richard Simpson
Mary Jacoby - wife of Glenn Simpson
Peter Roome Fritsch
"Hi Honey" Nellie Haule Orr
Fusion GPS employee - with CIA security clearance
Alfa Bank - Jacob "Jake" Jeremiah Sullivan
The Meeting on the Tarmac -
West Side - Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
Phoenix, Arizona
Monday June 27, 2016 - Between 7 and 8 PM
President William Jefferson Clinton and
Former Attorney General Loretta Elizabeth Lynch
Meet for some reason on her private jet.
Ukraine -
The Bidens -
Hunter's laptop, Joe Biden's brother James "Jimmy" Brian Biden and of cousre - "the Big Guy"
Tony Bobulinski
J2cR - James Gilliar and Rob Walker
Burisma Holdings - Founded in 2002
Mykola Zlochevsky
Vadym Pozharskyi
Russia Collusion -
Discreditable 'Special" Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III
Was Anything in his perview?
Now we will wait for Special Counsel John Durham's report.
Headline - Impeachmentgate I & II |

"Sadly, but with confidence and humility, today I'm asking our chairmen to proceed with articles of imteethment," Pelosi
stuttered in a brief televised statement.

When judge Ginsburg was asked how she would proceed during the impeachment trial, she stated, “I would prefer to try the peach Jello first, then try the peach pudding.”
Headline - Systematic Corruption |
| 2020 Presidential Election - The Most Corrupt Election in US History.
Widespread Systematic Fraud that did not begin recently. Riggid voting machines from canada, Dominion Voting Systems Corporation, Sequoia Voting Systems, Smartmatic, BPS, 400C, Advantage.
Unsolicited mass mailing of mail in ballots, No ID verification, No signature matching, states changing voting laws.
Thousands of eye witnesses, Hundreds of sworn testimonies, Video evidence.
This is just the beginning!
The Brandon Administation |
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
Quémala Eres
Nancy Patricia Pelosi
What is Government?
What does it actually mean?
What is Political?
Is it a combination of the following factors?
Passing and inforcing law, government spending which encompasses a lot of things such as:
Taxes, National Defense, Health Care, Immigration, Education, Environment, Energy, Foreign Policy
The Russian Federation
- federal semi-presidential republic
The People's Republic of China
- socialist republic run by a single party
- constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system
The Federal Republic of Germany
- federal parliamentary republic
The Republic of India
- federal parliamentary constitutional republic
The Islamic Republic of Iran
- unitary Khomeinist presidential Islamic republic
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- unitary one-party republic
In particular, the results could continue to exacerbate divisions among Democrats, who are seeking an economic agenda to counter The President’s policies for protectionism, reduced taxes and restrictions on immigration.
| | For the GOP, as a result, the unclear paper is likely to upend a debate that has continued among economists, politicians, businesses and labor organizers for decades.
Mark Levin - Constitutionalist

Maha Rushie, America's Anchorman,
America's Truth Detector,
The Doctor of Democracy
Rush Limbaugh
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli
(May 3, 1469 - June 21, 1527)
Thomas Robert Malthus
(February 13, 1766 - December 23, 1834)
Adam Smith
(June 16, 1723 - July 17, 1790)
Frédéric Bastiat
(June 1801- December 24, 1850)
Paul Anthony Samuelson
(May 15, 1915 - December 13, 2009)
Alan Greenspan - Economist
| John Clifton "Jack" Bogle
(May 8, 1929 – January 16, 2019)
Founder and Chief Executive
of The Vanguard Group
As an investor and a money manager, (also credited with creating the first index fund) he recommends investment over speculation, long term patience over short term action and reducing broker fees as much as possible.
The ideal investment is a low cost index fund held over a period of a lifetime with the reinvestment of dividends and dollar cost averaging.
By: Ben Adams
As a Federalist, obviously I believe that we as a United country need proceed and conduct ourselves as "one". Many still wish to discriminate, divide, class, and seperate each other.
Sometimes, we think that just because something has been around for awhile, it is has been good or should be, needs to stay that particular way. However, this is usually not the case. It seems that we are afraid of change, and we think that the complicated solutions are the ones that we should persue.
Ben Adams Says |
From the Top Down By: Ben Adams
Everything starts at the top. So, when changes need to be made, that's where to begin. However, our past administration wanted to make "change" everywhere else except at the top. When a household needs to make economoic changes, what do they do? Most start with cutting the non important things from their budget. Like for example; reducing phone bills, cutting back TV services, eating at home, and reducing traveling.
Although everyday citizens make these necessary changes, our government does not. Why? The House of Representatives only has 435 members, while the Senate has just 100 members. All of these public servents make a good salary, and can afford a good home, their own phones, automobiles and food.
Sticks and Stones By: Ben Adams
May break my bones, but Politcal Correctness is killing me. Eventually, it will kill them too.
I'm Offended By: Ben Adams
Weak Society - creating a weak gerenation, places like San Francisco for example, they try to stop the "Happy Meal"
So Liberal By: Ben Adams
Liberals are the most conservative people in America. They do not even realize that the more they want, the more they actually want to take away.
These type of people do not want equality, they want what is for their best interests and usually ends up nfringing on others rights. But they do not care.
So, what happened???
The door was opened to freebies and hand-outs, unnecessary wars, immorality and addiction, worship of criminals and trashy entertainers, the constant re-election of crooked, incompetent leaders, greedy financial institutions, lack of responsibility for one's actions, a media that supports their own agendas, instead of just honest reporting...........Shall I go on??
American Creed
By: Ben Adams
For the first time in my life, I am ashamed and embarrassed to call myself an American.This is a difficult admission for me, as someone who considers himself as only American. I do believe in our democratic system that our Founding Fathers established for us.
However, it is the leadership and their constituents that I have completely lost respect and no longer believe in them, or their ability to change.
As I followed the 2012 election last night it became clear that Americans are the most uniformed and under educated population at this point in our short history.
During the updates on the election, I was watching my son play Assassins Creed 3, which takes place in the American Colonies in 1775.
He told me he had to locate Samuel Adams, after he throws the tea into bay.
As I watched him throw boxes of tea into the bay while protecting Paul Revere, I thought about the election and what are Americans thinking and how far America has lost its way.
While my son was riding on a horse going to all the towns to inform everyone about the Redcoats advancing, I thought about everything our founding fathers lived and died for. They fought for our freedom and liberty. They fought for change.
Last night America voted for the same thing that we already had before. This is not change. I realized just how uneducated Americans are. They believe “change” means doing the same thing again. I appears that most have no idea about basically anything.
They will believe anything they are told by their elected leaders. It is hard to believe how disillusioned America has become. From electing novelty Presidents to reelecting the same Old representatives. Our first President reluctantly served a second term and refused to run for a third.
I am assuming that my son will win the game and America will be victorious, however I do not share the same feeling about the reality of the United States of America in 2013.
| One Nation Divisable By: Tom Hamilton As much as this country's constituents endeavor to divide our nation and proliferate their own agendas:
At some point you can be so open minded, that your brains fall out.
Male & female, black and white, homos & heteros, democrats and republicans, old and young and on and on
The Usual Suspects By: Tom Hamilton
The 'Economy', Helath Care, Education, and the 'Environment' are always up for deliberation.
Have you ever heard this aforementioned? "A Representitive at the office of our Government took care of our countries problems when we needed a quick service and he found that we needed another service. My representitive called me first before starting work and didn't over charge me, I can't believe it!"
| |
A Government Of The People, By The People, For The People
By: Gary Gray
I have freedom and the right to choose how I think and feel. I don't have to like something or somebody. I can even say it.
I don't have to act upon this choice and as long as I am physically doing something, then it is ok to say, feel and demonstrate your beliefs
Our Laws are founded on rights, not needs. It is irresponsible for one to even ask, "Why does someone need anything?"
Why do you need to ask me why I need what you think I don't need?
| |
| One Nation, Under? By: Gary Gray
How is it that churches get tax excemptions?
Especially the Catholic Church. They are and belong to a sovereign country, the Vatican or Holy See.
So basically we here in the United States are supporting another country.
This has absolutly no place in America.
Furthermore, why are we promoting in "god we trust"? and "one nation under god" which isn't even the original line.
We have heard the position that "god" doesn't refer to any particular organization, refers an idea or belief, in something.
Rather than believing in ourselves and our own country.
The War On Drugs
By: Gary Gray
Who is drugs, and why are we fighting them?
Are we winning?
It's great that "we" pay Law Enforcement to attack plants. How much does it cost to pay for a helicopter, fuel, the piolet, supplies, and officers to pull plants out of the ground?
Federal Constitutional Republic |
Article One |
| Legislative Branch
The United States Congress is made up of 100 senators, 435 representatives, and 6 delegates to the House of Representatives.
Article Two
Executive Branch - 2020
President and Vice President - The most currupt election in history.

Rigid voting machines from canada, mass mailing of mail in ballots, No ID verification, No signature matching, changing voting laws
Making America Great Again
Executive Bracnh - 2016
Now starts the begining of a New Era in the political realm in the United States of America.
The President of the United States #45 |
Artical Three
Federal Judiciary Branch
The official number of Supreme Court judges has been set at 9 by statute (since 1869).
There are 13 U.S. Courts of Appeals (appellate courts) which sit below the Supreme Court.
Below that, there is 94 federal judicial districts that are organized into 12 regional circuits, each of which has its own court of appeals.
The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (the 13th court) is located in Washington, D.C., and hears appeals in patent law cases, and other specialized appeals.
Chief Justice
John Roberts - 2005
Associate Justices
Clarence Thomas - 1991
Stephen Breyer – 1994
Samuel Alito - 2006
Sonia Sotomayor - 2009
Elena Kagan - 2010
Neil Gorsuch - 2017
Brett Kavanaugh - 2018
Amy Coney Barrett - 2020
The Supreme Failures
Chief Justice John Roberts and 'supreme court' are a complete failure his the decision to not uphold Article 2 of the Constitution during the 2020 Presidential Election. They hid behind their black robes. If there was anything that they should get involved in, it is this.
Over the past quarter century, Americans' general faith in public institutions has fallen, but the Supreme Court has especially lost favor.
No one knows for sure what is driving the growing suspicion, but a recent indunation of 5-4 decisions--where the liberal and conservative sides of the court split without compromise--certainly may give the impression that the justices are unduly influenced by their appointees, politics and not just their fidelity to the constitution, which is the most important factor.