Mixed Media And Arts Staff Writers Are:
Ben Adams Tom Hamilton Gary Gray
The Arts
Pat Lincoln Alex Noxx
Mrs. Miss
Rich Matthews
Teresa Hanna Canon-Dine Jim Meador
| Sports
Sam Paine Naruhisa Hoguchi
The Commissioner
Science & Technology
John Franklin
Jack Freweigh
World History
Archibold Alaggie
Geovanna Alaggie
Jon Pablo Guru Preet
| Contributing Writers
Nate Grean Betsie Washington Brother John Rapture
Chris Attuck
Sinlcair Daily
Harris Dewey
Andrew Reinhold
Assistant Design Director
Remmington Kong
Editor and Publisher
From the Desk of the Editor... Editor And Publisher
As the one who has the final say on all content, I will do and say whatever I feel I want to do.
It took many years to put together this great organization and I know each of my staff members personally. I have interviewed, interrogated and hand picked each member through a long and exstensive screening process. I never know the staff's angles untill the last minute before publishing their assignments. This is why there may be some incomplete columns and features, which we will blame on them. That being said, it is important to all of us here at MMAA to deliver what we are saying is quaility data. Please enjoy, and Thank You!
- "The best way to predict the future, is to invent it."
The Editor |
Madison Ross |
| Madison Ross
Managing Editor / Senior Writer
One of the smartest people I know, and she somehow manages to stay very fit, questoning every little detail and dealing with this staff and myself on a daily basis.
- "There is plenty of room at the top, but no place to sit down."
Pat Lincoln
Design Director / Senior Writer
The world is so colorful for our this sexy surveyor. Whatever layout or format there is, something will always "have to be fixed."
- "Great minds must be ready not only to take opportunities, but to make them."
Pat Lincoln |
Ben Adams The quick tongued revolutionary
who is willing to take up arms.
| Tom Hamilton The Constitutional Conservative
who needs to shave.
| Gary Gray Plays the fence, one day he will fall off!
Betsie Washington |
| Betsie Washington She can be brassy and blunt, but always to the point.
- "Know who you are, and be it. Know what you want, and go get it"
It just doesn't depend anymore on how drunk this loud "foul-mouthed" (not really) Contraversial Professor is. He still absolutly refuses to listen to anyone, even himself.
- "This is Our Tradition, Get your own!"
M@ |
Nate Green |
| Nate Grean What can we say about Nate?
- "Tough times never last, but tough people do."
Here at MMAA Alex is affectionatly known as "XXX". We never know what will be coming from this desk, but we know Pat will approve.
- "Celabrate what you want to see more of!"
Alex Noxx |
Teresa Hanna Cannon-Doyle |
| Teresa Hanna Cannon-Dine
Our very own Ethnobotnist is suprisingly very into cannibis. Having studied in the Emerald Triangle in Northern California, she grown into her role well. It is no suprise her favorite band is the Flowering Tops! Grow something will ya!
- "Wisdom is not the result of schooling, but the life long process of aquiring it."
Jim Meador The Master Agavallero thinks he's much cooler than he really is. His favorite country is Mexico which he travels to regularly. Having sampled many regional and local Mezcals, to the finest Tequilas at the distilleries in Guadalajara, Jim has harvested a wealth of knowledge. He can and usually does drink a lot, but knows when to stop.
- "The secret to getting ahead, is getting started."
Jim Meador |
Sam Paine |
| Sam Paine
Senior Writer
Sam is a great athlete who has been involved in organized sports his whole life. He has played or trained in just about every sport. From gymnastics to football, he likes all forms of athletic contests, including the players and organizations.
In addition, he continues to compete and train, and is also a trainer and instructor for many years. Not only is Sam an outstanding athlete, he is also a fan who actively follows sports.
- "The most important ability, is availability."
Jack Freweigh |
| Jack Freweigh
Proactive, inovative and yet uses the principles of the past. He thinks it is important to keep evolving ones fitness program as we move through life.
- "For success, attitude is equally as important as ability."
John Franklin
Believes all subjects are essentionally one. However, we keep him locked up in the lab, but he somehow manages to end up in the classroom or library.
- "Anything unattempted remains impossible."
John Franklin |
Archie & Geo |
| Archibold & Geovanna Alaggie
Assistant Editors
These pair of historians met at Junior College in Biology class. Their positions and contributions as historians and in palaeoanthropology, allow them work very well together.
They are not afraid to be public about their personal lives because they are always embedded with their work, they feel like that they are part of our history. I feel like they mostly dig through books and not much dirt now. Many feel they should have won the Alfred Vincent Kidder Award.
-"None of us, is as smart as all of us."
Contributing Editor
This Theologian feels like he is forced to write this column, much like he felt when he was forced into religion as a child. We are still not sure which "God" our cryptozoologist believes in, today.
- "Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real."
Jon Pablo |
OC |
Dewey |

Brother John Rapture
- “Get right with God or get left with Satan”
The Dog |
Uncle Rich |